Computer Labs


There are two computer labs, Lab 1 and Lab 2. There are 50 Windows PCs in each lab (100 in total) and are connected to the campus network.

Tokyo Kosen receives many visitors from in and out of Japan throughout the year, observing the classes held in the lab.

In Lab 1, students can use Windows-based applications and a Unix server via an X-window emulator. In Lab 2, students can use Windows-based applications. The labs are used for many classes, such as programming exercises, computer literacy education, various types of information processing education, mechanical CAD education, and English education. Specifically, the following courses in each department use the labs.

In addition to these Computer Labs, some departments have their own computer labs for their courses. Together with those in the Computer Labs, a total of about 300 PCs are ready for students to use.



Department of English

Listening, TOEIC English 1, TOEIC English 2, English Seminar 1, Advanced English


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Information Processing, Mechanical Design and Drawing A/B, Mechatronics Practice, Mechanical Design Method A, Programming A, Computational Mechanics A/B


Department of Electrical Engineering

Programming 1/2, Operating System 1/2


Department of Electronic Engineering

Information Processing, Advanced OS Networks


Department of Computer Science

Basic Manufacturing Engineering, Basic IT, Programming, Knowledge Engineering 1, Practical Programming 1/2/3, Computer Science Experiment 1/2/3, Control Engineering 1, Applied Mathematics 1, Digital Signal Processing 1/2, Computer Science Seminar


Department of Chemical Science and Engineering

Information Processing 1/2, Analytical Chemistry Experiment, Instrumental Analysis 2, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry